This event is open to the public, however, only active members are eligible to vote. As a reminder, only women are eligible for Run Women Run's endorsement, and proxy voting will not be permitted.
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Check-in and receive ballot packet, enjoy light refreshments
6:00 PM - 6:05 PM - Welcome; explanation of process to members & presenters
6:05 PM - Candidate speeches commence
The following races will be considered (order subject to change):
US Congress
53rd District
52nd District
State Assembly
75th District
San Diego City Council
District 1
San Diego Superior Court Judge
7:40 PM - Closing
You must be a Run Women Run member in good standing at least 30 days prior to the endorsement meeting to be eligible to vote.
For questions regarding membership and voting eligibility, please contact Melissa at [email protected]