As the spread of COVID-19 in the United States has disproportionately affected women, it is more important than ever to demonstrate support for female caregivers, activists, entrepreneurs, creators and employees of all trades. With shelter-in-place limiting many of us to our homes, here are some ways we can continue to uplift women remotely:
1 Promote Gender Equality at Home
Encourage all family members to do their part in providing care and completing tasks around the house to ensure that we all do our share to take on the responsibility together.
2 Support Female Authors, Artists, and Creators
Instead of turning to popular mainstream media and entertainment often dominated by male producers and directors, take the time to find books, movies, albums, and other works created by women.
3 Express Gratitude to Caregivers and Health Care Workers
Take the time to show your appreciation to the caregivers and health care workers in your life that are serving on the front lines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as women make up the majority of this essential workforce.
4 Get Involved in a Campaign
Because COVID-19 has drastically altered the nature of political campaign season for the coming elections, female candidates running for office need our help more than ever. Consider donating or volunteering by phone banking from home.
Find out how you can get involved in Run Women Run and support our endorsed candidates here.
5 Stay Informed
Stay tuned in to the news and check out updates from organizations like UN Women that analyze the effects of the pandemic on women and offer suggestions on how we can offset this disproportionate burden by providing women with support.
6 Spread Awareness
Connect with the ones you love during this time of social distancing whether that be digitally or over the phone and continue to discuss these issues and the causes that matter most to you.
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