Run Women Run's Political Boot Camp is for anyone interested in getting involved in the political process from volunteering or working on a campaign to running for office yourself.
Hear from elected officials and experts in the field, and network with others committed to achieving equal representation.
Featuring Keynote Speaker, California State Assemblymember Tasha Boerner-Horvath.
$25 for Run Women Run Members and Lawers Club Members
$35 for Non-members (includes RWR membership for 1 year!)
$10 for Students
Each ticket includes breakfast, lunch, and a hosted reception.
A fee waiver is available in special circumstances. Contact Melissa Jones at [email protected] for details
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Registration & Breakfast
8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Welcome with Carlsbad Councilmember Cori Schumacher
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM Key Financial Considerations and Qualifications to Run featuring Michael Vu, Registrar of Voters and Stephanie D. Sánchez, Política Campaign Treasury
Find out what you need to know about the qualifications to run for office, campaign finance and fundraising, and important legal considerations.
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Connecting with and Persuading Voters featuring Eva Posner, Founder and President of Evinco Strategies, LLC.
This presentation will explore how to target supporters and persuadable voters. It will explain how polling and direct voter contact can be used to fundraise, identify key issues, and refine your core campaign message.
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Party Support and Endorsements featuring Carol Kim, Political Director at San Diego Building & Construction Trades Council; Bernadette Butkiewicz, Organizer at United Association Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local Union 230; and Sandra Duran, Public Affairs and Communications Manager at Planned Parenthood Action Fund of the Pacific Southwest
This session explains the process of securing political party and organizational endorsements, including what races political parties and organizations focus on, the timeline for endorsements, how to demonstrate viability, what assistance to expect from the party or endorsing organizations, and determining which endorsements are important for your race.
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Lunch and Keynote Speaker California State Assemblymember Tasha Boerner-Horvath
with a Lunchtime welcome and keynote introduction from Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Best Practices for Running a Grassroots Field Campaign
Learn strategies for developing an effective voter contact plan. From identifying the optimal voter universe to tactics for getting “yes” votes at the door to creative volunteer recruitment strategies, this session will provide an overview how to run a comprehensive campaign field operation.
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Words of Wisdom from Elected Leaders
Featuring Solana Beach Councilmember Kristi Becker, Solana Beach Councilmember Kelly Harless, Vista Councilmember Corinna Contreras, Del Mar Councilmember Terri Gaasterland, Deputy Mayor of Escondido Consuelo Martinez, and Carlsbad Councilmember Priya Bhat-Patel.
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Networking Reception
Beverages and light appetizers will be offered.